
Spotting retro trains in Hungary

In these series you can see a lot of old trains in action in Hungary, so very retro. The MÁV, the Hungarian National Railway company kept some old trains and organises rides with them. Also some ‘retro’ weekends are hold, such as the one near the Lake Balaton. The iconic ‘NOHAB’ diesel locomotive can be seen for example. This locomotive was built in Sweden in the fifties and has a kind of cult status around trainspotters because of the streamlined design.

Several events were filmed between 2020 and 2020 and the mix of beautiful preserved diesel, electric and steam trains is really nice to watch!

Credits: BenceSnurik Trainspotting


Retro weekend 2020
Retro weekend 2020
96 year old steam locomotive in action
96 year old steam locomotive in action
Retro weekend at Lake Balaton - 2021
Retro weekend at Lake Balaton - 2021
NOHAB in action
NOHAB in action
Retro weekend at the Alföld
Retro weekend at the Alföld
Retro weekend around Hatvan
Retro weekend around Hatvan